To disable or delete User logins, follow these steps:
Step 1 Log into CRM
Step 2 On the landing page, click Administration from the main menu
Step 3 Hover over Permissions
Step 4 Click on the Users sub-category
Step 5 To disable a user, click on the user within the list
5.1 Click the Edit option
5.2 Uncheck the Active checkbox
5.3 Click the Save button
Note: It is recommended to simply de-activate a user rather than delete it if the user id has been creating or being assigned logs. When a user is deleted, any logs that they created or were assigned to will display a blank in place of the user name.
Step 6 To delete a user, click on the user within the list
6.1 Click the Delete option
6.2 Select Yes in the confirmation message
Article Reference: CLTX806