To reassign a specific User's Log Entries, follow these steps:
Step 1 Log into CRM
Step 2 On the landing page, click Administration from the main menu
Step 3 Hover over Permissions
Step 4 Click on the Users sub-category
Step 5 To reassign log entries for a specific user, click the user within the list
5.1 Click the Edit option
5.2 Click on CRM within the User Administration menu
5.3 Click on the Configuration tab
5.4 Click on the institution in the list
5.5 Place a check mark in the Re-Direct Log Entry box
5.6 Select who will be responsible for the logs assigned to this user:
- Officer – a specific officer will be selected to have the logs re-assigned to during this time frame
- Group – a random officer will be selected from a group of officers to have the log re-assigned to during this time frame in an evenly round robin distribution
5.7 Designate the Date Range by typing the start and end date in the date boxes or selecting from a calendar box
5.8 Click the Save button
Article Reference: CLTX808