To configure password requirements institution-wide, follow these steps:
Step 1 Log into CRM
Step 2 On the landing page, click Administration from the main menu
Step 3 Hover over Permissions
Step 4 Click on the Users sub-category
Step 5 To configure the password settings, click the Password Settings button
5.1 Type the desired value within the Minimum Length for the minimum length of the password
5.2 Place a check mark in the Require Uppercase Character to enable this requirement
5.3 Place a check mark in the Require Lowercase Character to enable this requirement
5.4 Place a check mark in the Require Special Character to enable this requirement
5.5 Place a check mark in the Require Number to enable this requirement
Note: Those requirements that are enabled will require at least one value matching that requirement to be in the password.
5.6 Place a check mark in the Must Not Match Past Passwords Used to enable this requirement
5.7 Enter the desired value of passwords in the box
Note: The system will retain a history of the past passwords for the value entered into the box to prevent the recycling of passwords.
5.8 Place a check mark in the Force password change every X days to enable this requirement
5.9 Enter the desired value of days in the box
Note: The system will require a password change each time it encounters the designated number of days with the same password for the user accounts.
Step 6 Click the Save button
Article Reference: CLTX809