To create a new Role, follow these steps:
Step 1 Log into CRM
Step 2 On the landing page, click Administration from the main menu
Step 3 Hover over Permissions
Step 4 Click on the Roles sub-category
Step 5 To add a new role, click the Add New button
5.1 Type a Name into the New Role name box
5.2 Place a check mark next to each item to enable one or all of the following actions:
- View
- Edit
- Create
- Delete
- Setting
Note: Hovering the mouse over each group header will provide a description for the items contained within the group to assist in making the best permission assignment decision.
5.3 To select all permissions within a group, place a check mark in the Select All box
Step 6 To copy the permissions from another role, click the drop-down arrow in Choose Role box
6.1 Click the desired role from the list
6.2 Click the Apply button
6.3 Click Yes in the confirmation message
Step 7 To disable a permission, uncheck any boxes that contain a check mark
Step 8 Once all desired selections are made, click Save
Article Reference: CLTX801