To create Other Activity Logs, follow these steps:
Step 1 Log into CRM
Step 2 On the landing page, click on Customer Dashboard from the main menu
Step 3 Locate the customer within the Search box
Note: Using more than one of the available search components will assist in better matching to the desired record.
Step 4 To create a new Other Activity Log, click the Add New Activity Log button
Step 5 Click on Other in the list
Step 6 Fill in the necessary fields for the Activity Log
Note: Any fields containing an asterisks next to them are required and must contain a selection in order for the log to be saved.
6.1 Select the desired Status by clicking on the appropriate button
- To Be Done: Activity has not been worked on
- Processing: Activity is currently being worked on
- Done: Activity has been completed and no further work is needed on it
6.2 Establish the appropriate date by clicking in the Date box
Note: The name of the date field will be based on the Status that is selected: Due Date will display when Status is on To Be Done, Processing will display when status is on Processing and Done Date will display when the status is on Done.
6.3 Type in the desired date within the box using the MM/DD/YYYY format OR
6.4 Click on a day within the calendar box
- Use the right and left arrows to navigate back or forward by the month
6.5 Select the Assigned By Officer by clicking the drop-down arrow and select a user from a list
6.6 Select the Assigned by Branch by clicking the drop-down arrow and select a branch from a list
Note: The Assigned By Officer and Branch will be auto-populated but can be changed. When selecting an officer, if a default branch is assigned to that officer, the Branch field will auto-populate. Optionally, those selections can be changed, if desired.
6.7 Select the Assigned For Officer by clicking the drop-down arrow and select a user from a list
6.8 Select the Assigned For Branch by clicking the drop-down arrow and select a branch from a list
6.9 The Contact fields will autofill based on the selected individual. Click the drop-down arrow to select a different contact from a list.
6.10 Phone number is auto-populated under the contact. Click the drop-down arrow to select a different phone number from a list.
6.11 To add a new phone number, click the drop-down arrow in the phone number box
- Click the Add New > option
- Type in the new number and click the check mark
6.12 Select a Campaign, if desired, by clicking the drop-down arrow and selecting from a list
Note: A campaign represents a marketing offer, either email or print, that a customer received from the institution and can be tied to an activity to show the response to that marketing effort.
6.13 Select the Product, Account Type or Service to the log by clicking the appropriate drop-down arrow and selecting an item from a list
Note: An Account Type list will not be available until a Product is first selected. If a product is selected, the Service drop-down will be disabled and if a Service is selected, the Product/Account Type drop-downs will be disabled.
6.14 Type a subject into the Subject box identifying what the activity pertains to
Step 7 To add a Comment, click on the Comments tab
7.1 Type into the box located at the bottom of the Comments tab
7.2 Once desired content is typed, click the Add button
Repeat for each desired comment
Step 8 To make Activity Field selections, click on the Activity Fields tab
8.1 Apply the appropriate steps for populating the necessary fields
Note: The Activity Fields are customized by each institution. Supply the desired information for the institution. Any field that contains an asterisks next to it is required to have a selection made in order to save the log.
Step 9 To attach a document to the log, click on the Documents tab
9.1 Click the Add New button within the Documents tab
9.2 Type a description into the Description box to identify what information the document will provide
9.3 Click the Choose File button
9.4 Browse out to the document to be attached to the log
9.5 Select the file to be attached
9.6 Once the Description and the file is selected, click the Add button
Step 10 To attach a Workflow, click the drop-down arrow next to No Workflow and select one from a list.
Step 11 To automatically create a Follow Up log, click the drop-down arrow next to the Follow Up field and select an Activity Log Type from the list
Note: A Workflow is an automated process for a path of activities necessary for certain processes within an organization. It is designed to keep the process flowing automatically until its completion. The Follow Up will create one activity log at the saving of the original log that will require information to be filled out by the user. It is not automated, nor does it follow a path.
Step 12 Once all selections are made, Click the Save button
The Activity Log will appear within the Customer Dashboard immediately upon clicking Save
Article Reference: CLTX312