To join saved filters, follow these steps:
Step 1 Log into CRM
Step 2 On the landing page, click on Discovery from the main menu
Step 3 Click Research
Step 4 Build or select a saved filter within the filter window
Step 5 To join another saved filter to the filter within the window, click the drop-down arrow next to Save
5.1 Select Join Existing Filter
5.2 Click the drop-down arrow next to “Filter Group” to select the group.
5.3 Click the drop-down arrow next to “Filter Name” to see the list of filters in the selected group.
5.4 Highlight the desired filter to be joined.
5.5 Click the “Join” button on the bottom left of the box.
The filter that is joined will be appended to the bottom of the filter conditions within the filter window
Step 6 Click Activate once the filter is built as desired
Article Reference: CLTX204