To copy saved filters, follow these steps:
Step 1 Log into CRM
Step 2 On the landing page, click on Discovery from the main menu
Step 3 Click Research
Step 4 The filter window should be extended. If it isn’t, click the Filter icon to extend it
Step 5 To Copy an existing filter, within the Filter window click the drop-down arrow next to Save
5.1 Select Filter Manager
5.2 Click in the “Search” box to type in a name of a filter or click on the drop-down arrow by “Filter Group” to isolate filters within a specific group.
5.3 Click on a filter in the list
5.4 Click Copy
5.5 Select a Filter Group by clicking the drop-down arrow
5.6 Modify the filter name to reflect a unique filter description
5.7 Click Copy
Step 6 To select the new filter, click on the filter in the list
6.1 Click Open
Article Reference: CLTX211