To edit existing Field Groups, follow these steps:
Step 1 Log into CRM
Step 2 On the landing page, click on Discovery from the main menu
Step 3 Click Research
Note: In order to access any of the actions within Research, a filter must be in place.
Step 4 Build a filter within the filter window and click Activate
Step 5 To edit a field group, click the drop-down arrow next to the Open button
5.1 Click Field Group Manager
Note: Hovering over a list in the fields box will cause a pop-up window to display all of the fields available in that field group.
Step 6 Click on the name of the desired Field Group
6.1 Click Edit
6.2 Modify the Name, if desired
6.3 To add a field, use the Search box directly under “Fields” to easily locate the desired field
6.4 With the field highlighted, use the single arrow > to select the desired field
6.5 To remove a selected field, simply click the field within the box on the right and click the single <
6.6 Use the up and down arrows to the right of the screen to re-order the selected fields
6.7 Click Save once all desired fields are in the right-hand box
Step 7 To select the newly created Field Group, click on the group name in the list
7.1 Click Open
Article Reference: CLTX207