To delete a Bulk Log, follow these steps:
Step 1 Log into CRM
Step 2 On the landing page, click Discovery from the main menu
Step 3 Click Research
Step 4 The filter window should be extended. If it isn’t, click the Filter icon to extend it
Step 5 Use the or the Fast Filter icon to create a filter.
Note: For a refresher on the steps for building filters, please review the Creating Filters and Using Fast Filters procedures.
Step 6 To apply the filter, click Activate
Step 7 Click Open in the upper left corner of the grid to select the appropriate Field Group
Note: The Field Group will be used to identify what bulk log actions will be available. A field group containing log activity fields must be selected in order for the Bulk Log – Delete action to be available.
7.1 Click the desired field group within the list (The CallTrax Activity Logs Default field group is recommended)
Note: The number of entries will now reflect the number of log records that meet the filter condition. This will be the number of logs deleted.
Step 8 Click the Output drop-down arrow
Step 9 Click Bulk Logs – Delete
Step 10 Click Yes to the confirmation message
A green Success status pop up will display providing the number of logs created
Article Reference: CLTX213