To simultaneously handle multiple logs (update the Status to Done), follow these steps:
Step 1 Log into CallTrax NEXT
Step 2 On the landing page, click Discovery from the main menu
Step 3 Click Research
Step 4 The filter window should be extended. If it isn’t, click the Filter icon to extend it
Step 5 Use the or the Fast Filter icon to create a filter.
Note: For a refresher on the steps for building filters, please review the Creating Filters and Using Fast Filters procedures.
Step 6 To apply the filter, click Activate
Step 7 Click Open in the upper left corner of the grid to select the appropriate Field Group
Note: The Field Group will be used to identify what bulk log actions will be available. A field group containing log activity fields must be selected in order for the Bulk Log – Handle action to be available.
7.1 Click the desired field group within the list (The CallTrax Activity Logs Default field group is recommended)
Note: The number of entries will now reflect the number of log records that meet the filter condition. This will be the number of logs updated to a status of Done.
Step 8 Click the Output drop-down arrow
Step 9 Click Bulk Logs – Handle
Step 10 Click the drop-down arrow for State
10.1 To mark the log as complete, click Done
Step 11 Use the calendar icon in the Date box to change the done date, if desired
Step 12 Modify the Comment, if desired
Step 13 Click OK to update the status to Done on the logs
A green Success status pop up will display providing the number of logs created
Article Reference: CLTX214