To stop a scheduled email from being sent, follow these steps:
Step 1 Log into the Digital Communication platform
Step 2 Select the Product Suite product and the Emails module
Step 3 Click the Scheduled tab
Note: Emails will display in the Scheduled tab if they have a future launch date scheduled. Emails set to launch ASAP cannot be demoted (stopped).
Step 4 Click the desired email
Step 5 Select Demote
Note: The date and time of a launch may be changed 15 minutes prior to launch. Once a launch has begun, or within 15 minutes of the launch, the support team will need to demote (stop) any remaining launches.
Step 5 Click Yes to the confirmation message
Note: Now the email can be found within the Drafts tab, and further modifications and updates can be made if desired.
Article Reference: DMX362