To edit or delete a note for a household or Individual relationship within CRM, follow these steps:
Step 1 Log into CRM
Step 2 On the landing page, click on Customer Dashboard from the main menu
Step 3 Locate the customer within the Search box
Step 4 On the Customer Dashboard page, locate the Summary Information section
Step 5 Click on Notes within the Summary Information section
Step 6 To edit a note, click on the pencil and paper button located next to the added note.
6.1 Type in the desired content
6.2 Click the Update button
Step 7 To delete a note, click on the pencil and paper button located next to the added note.
7.1 Click the Delete button
7.2 Click Yes in the confirmation message
Note: The available actions for existing notes depends on the permissions enabled by the assigned role(s) for each user. Some of the actions may not be available.
Article Reference: CLTX314