To generate Reports in CRM, follow these steps:
Step 1 Log into CRM
Step 2 On the landing page, click Discovery from the main menu.
Step 3 Hover the mouse over Reporting
Step 4 Click Reports
Note: All CRM reports are grouped within the Marquis/CallTrax category and are further segmented into sub-categories within CallTrax. Any reports that have been customized to your institution will be located within your own institution report category.
Note: The Search box is available at the top of the page for quickly locating the desired report using key words.
Step 5 To view a report, click the bold report name
The report will automatically display based on default filter parameters
Step 6 To configure the parameters, click the > Filters button
6.1 To expand the filter section, click the three dots and drag down
6.2 Click each filter field to designate a new selection, if desired
Note: Any fields that contain “Multiple Selection” in the name when clicked on will enable the ability to make more than one selection for that field. If the field does not display “Multiple Selection”, only one selection will be allowed.
6.3 If a drop-down arrow is present, click it and make a selection from a list
6.4 For “Multiple Selection” fields, click the drop-down arrow and click as many selections, as desired
6.5 To remove a selection from a “Multiple Selection” field, click the drop-down arrow and click the X next to the desired selection to be removed
6.6 For date fields, click in the field and type in the date or select it within the calendar box
Note: Any fields containing a red asterisks next to it is identified as a required field and must have a selection in order for the report to generate.
6.7 Once filter selections are made, click the Apply Filter button
The report will update to display based on the new filter selections
Step 7 To generate a copy of the report, click the Export button
7.1 Click the desired format: Excel, PDF, CSV
Step 8 To send to a printer, click the Print button
Step 9 To navigate back to the reports, either click the Close button or click Reports within the path showing in the upper left-hand corner of the page
Article Reference: CLTX901