To edit the body of a report in CRM, follow these steps:
Step 1 Log into CRM
Step 2 Click Discovery in the main menu
Step 3 Hover the mouse over Reporting
Step 4 Click Reports
Note: All CRM reports are grouped within the Marquis/CallTrax category and are further segmented into sub-categories within CallTrax. Any reports that have been customized to your institution will be located within your own institution report category.
Step 5 Click the desired category to isolate a type of report, if desired
Step 6 To select a report, click the bold report name
Step 7 Prior to customizing, click Save As in the top right menu
7.1 Modify the report Name
7.2 Save As will be defaulted to “Reports”
Note: The Category and Sub-category enables the ability to further organize the reports configured and saved specifically for your institution but are not required.
7.3 To select an existing category, click the drop-down arrow and click the desired category
7.4 To create a new category, type in the desired category name and click ENTER on the keyboard
7.5 To select a sub-category, click the drop-down arrow to select from a list or type in the desired sub-category and click ENTER on the keyboard
Note: If inputting a new category or sub-category, you must click ENTER on the keyboard in order to establish them. If you do not click enter, the category or sub-category will be removed. The new category will show in the All Reports menu on the left side of the page under your Institution’s name.
7.6 Click the OK button
Step 8 Click Edit
8.1 Select Design
Step 9 Scroll down until the Report Body is shown
9.1 Hover over the report title in the body of the report until a dark gray menu bar is shown
9.2 Right click the menu bar and click Switch to Configuration Mode
Step 10 To update the Report Title & Description, scroll to under the filter section
Step 11 The Report Header will be set up by Marquis for you, so no adjustments are needed.
Step 12 Update the content within the Report Title & Description section
12.1 Click in the Title box and type in the desired title
12.2 In the Description box, type in a description for the report based on changes that have been implemented
Step 13 Continue to Report Body section for configuration changes
13.1 Change the Title of the report in the Report Body section
Note: The Title that is created here will show up in the Dashboard Elements library used for building dashboards. Re-title the report based on the changes that have been implemented to ensure the ability to locate the report as well as understand what data is represented within it when building dashboards.
13.2 Click the edit cog next to the Title box to apply font changes
13.3 Create a new Description, if desired
13.4 Click the edit cog next to the Description box to apply font changes
Step 14 To additional columns of data, locate the desired field in the Data Source list displayed on the left
14.1 Click the desired field and drag it into the columns box
14.2 Click, hold and drag the field within the columns box to re-order where it will display in the report
Step 15 To remove a field, click the X next to the field in the columns box
Note: There is not a confirmation message or undo option when removing a field. Once the X is clicked, the field is removed immediately and will have to be added back manually, if needed.
Note: The report will display any changes made in the configuration immediately in the Preview area.
Step 16 To further customize a field, click a field in the columns box and Field Properties will display to the right
16.1 Field Properties: Data Source
- Field Name Alias – type in a name of choice to be used instead of the system field name within the report
- Visible – Use the checkmark to identify whether or not the field will display on the report.
16.2 Field Properties: Data Formatting
- Click the drop-down arrow for Function to adjust the Function applied to the field
- Click the drop-down arrow to adjust the Format of the field
- Enter number of Pixels to adjust width, if desired
- Select the desired font settings for the field
- To Sort, click
- Click the gear to Alternative Text
- Click the gear to Sub Total
- Click the gear to Grand Total
Step 17 Click the Report Part Properties tab on the right side of the page to further adjust the view of the report
17.1 Update the General Info section, if desired
- Grid Style drop down - determines the style of the grid
- Separator Style drop down - determines style of separator
17.2 Update the Table settings, if desired
- Adjust border settings and background colors
17.3 Update Columns settings, if desired
- Input numbers to adjust column width and set the alignment settings
17.4 Update Headers settings, if desired
- Customize the font, alignment, word wrap and how the header will be managed when exporting report
17.5 Enable or disable using a separator when grouping
17.6 Update the View settings, if desired
- Enable or disable Pagination
- Select the number of Columns per export page
17.7 Enable or disable a Page Break
Step 18 Click Save button and choose Save
Step 19 To navigate back to report view, click the Report Viewer button
Article Reference: CLTX902