The following procedures will guide you through applying the optional settings to apply to Referral Activity logs when managing the handling process.
Step 1 Log into CRM
Step 2 On the landing page, click on Administration from the main menu
Step 3 Hover the mouse over Setup, and click CRM Settings
Step 4 Click on the Options tab
Step 5 To select the Auto Handle Referral Log option, click on the desired radio dial for:
5.1 Match open referral based on:
- Household: A new account will be attached to the first open referral in the household regardless if the product on the referral matches the product of the new account resulting in that referral being marked Done with the result of a sale.
- Product Only: A new account will be attached to the first open referral in the household that contains a matching product resulting in that referral being marked Done with the result of a sale.
Note: The Auto Handle process will automate the closing of referrals when a new account is opened within the household the referral is present in. It is designed to make managing referrals easier and more efficient.
Step 6 To select the Date Done for Referral and Account Logs option, click on the desired radio dial for:
6.1 When selecting an existing account, use:
- Account Open Date: Populate the Done Date with the date of the open date on the account
- Current Date: Populate the Done Date with the current computer date
Note: The Date Done for referrals and new account logs can be configured to best fit an institution’s needs regarding tracking for incentives and goals.
Step 7 Click the Save button to retain changes
Article Reference: CLTX521