To create Manual Items to track in goals and incentives within CRM, follow these steps:
Step 1 Log into CRM
Step 2 On the landing page, click on Administration from the main menu
Step 3 Hover the mouse over Setup, and click on Goals/Incentives
Step 4 Click on the Manual Items tab
Note: Manual Items must be created prior to building goals and incentives for them.
Step 5 To create a Manual Item, click the Add New button
5.1 Type in a description for the item in the Item box
5.2 Designate the Start date by typing in the box or selecting a date from the calendar box
5.3 Designate the End date by typing in the box or selecting a date from the calendar box
Note: The Start and End dates are used to define when the manual item will be available for applying to incentives or goals. If the manual item will never be inactive, leave the End date field blank.
5.4 Click the radio dial next to the desired Entry field
- Results – This would require a results value to be entered in order to calculate the incentive pay
- Incentive Pay (No calculations) – This would require an incentive payment amount to be entered rather than have the incentive pay calculated based on results.
5.5 Click the Save button
Article Reference: CLTX610