To disable or delete Manual Items within CRM, follow these steps:
Step 1 Log into CRM
Step 2 On the landing page, click on Administration from the main menu
Step 3 Hover the mouse over Setup, and click on Goals/Incentives
Step 4 Click on the Manual Items tab
Step 5 To disable a Manual Item, click on the it within the list
5.1 Edit the End date to reflect the date it should be disabled
5.2 Click the Save button
Step 6 To delete a Manual Item, click on it within the list
6.1 Click the Delete button
6.2 Select Yes in the confirmation message
Note: When a manual item is deleted, all associated goals and incentives will be deleted as well. If a manual item no longer needs to be applied, simply update the end date to deactivate it rather than delete it.
Article Reference: CLTX612