User Defined Fields(UDFs) may be added/created to account for fields that are not currently included as default fields. UDFs may be used in the system for extra analysis or informative purposes.
Step 1 Log into CDP/CenTrax NEXT
The active Institution and File will display in the upper right-hand section to the left of the
name of the user logged in.
Step 2 Click Settings located in the top menu
Step 3 Click on the User Defined Fields sub-category
Step 4 To Add a User Defined Field, click the green Add New button located in the upper left-hand
corner of the screen
4.1 Type in a Name for the field
4.2 Click the drop-down arrow next to Type
4.3 Select a field type:
- Character
- Date (a character size box will not be available if this is selected)
- Logical (a character size box will not be available if this is selected)
- Numeric
4.4 If Character or Numeric types are selected, update the Size box with the total size the field
needs to be to hold the information populating it
Note: If the type is set to Numeric and decimal places are used, the Size must include the whole number AND the number of decimal places. If the size is not big enough to include the decimal places, the box will appear red until the size is increased.
4.5 Click Save
Step 5 To Edit a User Defined Field, click on the desired field from the list
5.1 Make changes to the appropriate fields
Note: BEFORE making changes to the Type or Size, keep in mind that it might result in loss of data or
5.2 Click Save
Step 6 To Copy a User Defined Field, click on the desired field
6.1 Click Copy
6.2 Make any desired changes to the Name, Type, or Size
6.3 Click Save
Step 7 To Delete a User Defined Field, click on the desired field
7.1 Click the Delete
Note: Deleting a User Defined Field will permanently remove the field and any data within it.
7.2 Select Yes, delete field and records
The User Defined Field will no longer display in the list of fields
Article Reference CNX301