The purpose of Manual Geocode is to identify those records with Geocode exceptions (or the records which have not been Geocoded via the Geocoding tool within DataPro). Additionally, the Manual Geocode tool will search within the CenTrax Address Database, as well as compare against FFIEC to update the records with appropriate geocode information.
Step 1 Log into the CDP/CenTrax NEXT
The active Institution and File will display in the upper right-hand section to the left of the name of the user logged in.
Step 2 Click on Discovery
Step 3 Click Manual Geocode
3.1 Exception counts are displayed within the boxes to the right of each Geocode Exceptions code.
Step 4 To filter on specific geocode exceptions, place or remove check marks in the boxes beside the exception codes
4.1 Click the Filtered button to apply the exception code filter
Step 5 Click on a record within the list
5.1 The Account Details will display some key information of the selected record in the bottom half of the screen.
5.2 Verify the Address, State, and Zip code contents in the fields in the bottom of the page are correct
Note: The bottom half of the page will remain un-editable (gray) until a record is clicked in the list above.
Step 6 To verify the address against FFIEC’s website for a valid geocode combination, click the Geocode button located within the Geocode/Demographics section of the page
6.1 If FFIEC provides geocode contents, the Apply button will become available.
6.2 Click the Apply button if it is desired to override the geocode information with that of the FFIEC
6.3 Click Save to retain the changes, otherwise click Undo Changes to remove them
Step 7 To Search for similar address ranges within the CenTrax NEXT Address Database, click on a record within the list
7.1 Click the Find Similar Locations button located in the upper right hand corner of the page
7.2 Update the Search For boxes if desired, otherwise leave them defaulted
- The first box will be the street name to search on
- The second box will be zip code string and must contain at least one digit
7.3 Click Find
7.4 If a matching record is found, click on the record within the list and click Use Selected Record. This will apply the geocode found to the record that is missing or contains an invalid geocode.
7.5 Click Close to exist the Find window and get back to the Manual Geocode page
Step 8 To manually enter in a desired geocode, click the Override button located in the middle right corner within the Geocode/Demographics section
8.1 Enter in a State, County, Census Tract, and MSA in the boxes
8.2 Click Save to retain information, or Undo Changes to remove the geocode information typed in
Step 9 To Print the Account Details of the selected record that is being worked on, click the Print button located at the bottom of the page.
Repeat the steps above for as many records as necessary
Article Reference CNX405