Filtering is used to isolate specific records for analysis purposes, data audits and select
processes/reports as well as various areas within the CenTrax Next platform.
Step 1 Log into CenTrax Next
The active Institution and File will display in the upper right-hand section to the left of the name of the user logged in
Step 2 Click on Data Entry from the main menu list
Note: Filters are accessible at the top of the page or by utilizing the filter window. To build a three-step filter using the filter window, instead of the quick search tool, skip to Step 6.
Step 3 Click the Quick Search magnifying glass icon to expand the quick search bar
Step 4 Use the Quick Search bar to easily locate records, by entering in at least one or any combination of:
- Account Number
- Name
- Address
Step 5 Click the Find button to locate and display the qualifying record(s)
Step 6 Click the Filter icon to open the filter fly-out window
Step 7 To create a three-step filter, click on the located on the bottom left-hand side of the page to add a new filter condition box
Step 8 Click on the empty condition box and a three-step box will appear containing: Field, Operator and Value
Step 9 Select a Field
9.1 Click the drop-down arrow in the Field box
9.2 Click on a field to select it
Note: A search function can be applied by type in the box. Simply begin typing in the box and any fields that contain the set of characters will list below in the available list.
Step 10 Select an Operator
10.1 Click the drop-down arrow in the Operator box
10.2 Click to select the desired Operator from the drop-down menu.
Step 11 Select the Value(s)
11.1 Type in the Value or click the drop-down arrow to select a lookup value if the field contains any lookup values available
11.2 If more than one value is desired, click the plus symbol within the Value
Note: Typing in the box will apply the search function to make it easier to locate specific values.
Step 12 Click Done once all selections are made
Step 13 To add more filter conditions, click on the and another conditions box will appear
13.1 The default connector is AND
13.2 To switch it to OR, click on the connector to toggle between connector options
13.3 Follow Steps 8-12 for building the filter condition
Step 14 To group 2 or more OR statements, place a check mark in the boxes to the left of the filter condition boxes
14.1 Click the Group Conditions button , located directly to the right of the plus symbol
Step 15 To ungroup conditions, place a check mark in the boxes to the left of each filter condition box that has been grouped.
15.1 Click the Ungroup Conditions button , located directly to the left of the trash can symbol
Step 16 To remove a filter condition, click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the condition box
Step 17 To apply the filter just built, click the Activate button on the bottom right-hand side of the filter box
17.1 The filter window will collapse, displaying those records that match the filter criteria just activated
17.2 If the Filter window doesn’t slide out of view, click the Filter icon to collapse and view the qualified records
Step 18 To save the filter, click the Save button
Note: Saving a filter will allow for commonly used filters to be retained within a list that can be easily applied rather than needing to be continuously rebuilt.
18.1 Click the drop-down arrow to select a Filter Group OR type in a new Filter Group Name
18.2 If a desired Filter Group does not exist, simply type in a new Filter Group Name
18.3 Type in a unique Filter Name
18.4 Click Save to complete the saving process
Note: The system will automatically activate the filter after the saving process has completed.
Step 19 To open an existing filter, within the Filter window click the drop-down arrow next to Save
19.1 Select Open
19.2 Click in the Search box to type in a name of a filter, or click on the drop-down arrow by Filter Group to isolate filters within a specific group
19.3 Click on the filter once to select it
19.4 Once selected, the filter will automatically activate
Step 20 To join another saved filter to the filter within the window, click the drop-down arrow next to Save
20.1 Select Join Existing Filter
20.2 Click the drop-down arrow next to Filter Group to select the group
20.3 Click the drop-down arrow next to Filter Name to see the list of filters in the selected group.
20.4 Highlight the desired filter to be joined
Click the arrow next to the save button at the top of the filter window
20.5 Select the Join Existing Filter option from the drop-down menu
The filter that is joined will be appended to the bottom of the filter conditions within the filter window
Step 21 To remove ALL filter condition boxes within the window, click the button at the bottom of the filter window.
Note: CenTrax NEXT also has short cuts to assist with locating and applying commonly used filters more quickly. On the left-hand side of the Filter window, there are 3 Fast Filter buttons:Fast HMDA,
Fast CRA, and Fast Fair Lending.
Step 22 To utilize the Fast Filter options, click on the appropriate icon, depending on which group is desired
Fast CRA
Fast Fair Lending
22.1 Place a check mark in any box next to a desired status or field content to select it
22.2 Type in any numeric value in the From and To boxes within any desired numeric fields in order to establish a range
23.3 Type in or select any date ranges in the From and To within any desired date fields in order to establish a date range
Step 24 Once all desired selections are made, click the Add to Filter button located in the bottom right hand corner of the Fast Filter page
24.1 This will bring up the filter conditions window with all of the selected conditions in place
Step 25 Repeat the filter building options mentioned above to make changes to the connector, group conditions or remove any conditions as needed
Step 26 Click Activate once the filter is built as desired
Article Reference CNX502