To edit Roles, follow these steps:
Step 1 Log into the MDP
Step 2 Click Administration from the main menu
Step 3 Hover over Permissions
Step 4 Click the Roles sub-category
Step 5 To edit an existing role, click the role within the list
Note: Marquis default roles will not be available for editing or deleting, only those roles created by your institution can be modified or deleted.
5.1 Modify the Name in the Role Name box, if desired
5.2 Place a check mark next to each item to enable one or all of the following actions:
- View
- Edit
- Create
- Delete
- Setting
Note: Hovering the mouse over each group header will provide a description for the items contained within the group to assist in making the best permission assignment decision.
5.3 To select all permissions within a group, place a check mark in the Select All box
5.4 To disable a permission, uncheck any boxes that contain a check mark
5.5 Once all desired changes are made, click Save
Article Reference: MNET402