To create a User, follow these steps:
Step 1 Log into the MDP
Step 2 Click Administration from the main menu
Step 3 Hover over Permissions
Step 4 Click the Users sub-category
Step 5 To add a new user, click the green Add New button
Step 6 Fill in the User Detail fields:
- Email Address
- Username
Note: The username is character/alpha numeric specific and must be unique.
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone Number (optional)
- Password and Confirm Password
Note: The password requirements are managed within Password Settings.
- Default Product
Note: The Default Product field will only appear if more than one Marquis Product is enabled within the NEXT platform. It is used to identify which product the user login should open up into when logging in.
6.1 Place a checkmark in the Require Password Reset to enforce changing the password at next login
6.2 Place a checkmark in the Active box to enable the user login
Step 7 To add an image to the user, click the image icon located above the email address field
7.1 Click in the center to browse out to select an image file
7.2 Use the blue square to crop the image to the desired look
7.3 Click in the center, hold and drag to set the center of the image
7.4 Once placement and look is set, click the Save button
Step 8 Click Marketing Data Platform within the User Administration menu
8.1 Click the role within the list
8.2 Click the single right arrow to select the highlighted role
8.3 Repeat if more than one role applies to the user
8.4 Click the double right arrow to move over all roles
8.5 To remove a selected role, click the role within the Active Role List
8.6 Click the single left arrow to move it back to the list
Step 9 Click the Institutions tab
9.1 Click the institution within the list
9.2 Click the single right arrow to select the highlighted institution
9.3 Click the double right arrow to move over all institutions
9.4 To remove a selected institution, click the institution within the Active Institutions List
9.5 Click the single left arrow to move it back to the list
Note: The institution must be selected in order for the user login to have access to the data within Business Insights reports.
Step 10 Click Save to create the User account
Article Reference: MNET404