To create Triggers, follow these steps:
Before Beginning: Triggers are events that are automatically scheduled based on a data field in the MDP. If desired, the trigger export file list can be further refined by adding another filter condition and/or by applying exclusions. Any additional filter conditions or exclusions come from filters that must be first built in Discovery>Research. To learn about creating and saving filters, refer to the step-by-step procedures Creating Filters and Saving Filters.
Step 1 Log into the MDP
Step 2 Click Automate in the main menu
Step 3 Click Automations in the drop-down menu
Step 5 Click the Select Trigger Template drop-down arrow
5.1 Select from the three choices
- Create Trigger from Scratch
- Member/Customer Total Balance Decrease
- New Members/Customers
5.2 Click Continue
Step 6 In the Trigger Name field, type a unique name for the trigger
Step 7 Select the level of data that will be included in the Trigger export file.
- Account
- Member/Customer
- Household
Step 8 Select the field that will generate the trigger
Note: If a trigger template was chosen in Step 5, the field will already be populated here. If it was chosen to create the trigger from scratch, a field must be selected. In either scenario, the MDP offers the flexibility to adjust the trigger criteria.
8.1 Click the Select Field button
8.2 Click the Field drop-down menu
8.3 In the search box that appears, begin typing the name of the desired field
8.4 When the desired field appears, click it
8.5 Select the desired Operator
8.6 Select the desired Value
8.7 Click Done
Step 9 Optionally, additional filter conditions can be applied by clicking Select Saved Filter
9.1 To easily locate the desired saved filter, select the Filter Group where it is located, or use the Search function
9.2 Once located, click the desired filter
Step 10 Optionally, click Trigger Advanced Options to add additional filtering and qualifications
Step 11 Using the Qualifying Status, qualify only Active or Closed accounts, memberships/customers, or households
Note: Qualifying Status defaults to Active except when the trigger field is set to Closed Date. This can be changed as desired
Step 12 Qualifying Grouping provides the following options:
- List All Qualifying Accounts (no grouping)
- Group – 1 record per Member/Customer
- Group – 1 record per Household
Step 13 Additional Filtering provides the ability to apply pre-saved filters for the purpose of account, member/customer, household exclusions. Repeat Step 9 to apply a filter
Note: At any time, click the View Data button on the right to review results of the trigger to see if they meet expectations
Step 14 Click Continue
Step 15 Click Add New
Step 16 In the Action Name field, type a unique name for the action
Step 17 Delivery Method: If Marquis creative is responsible for email and/or direct mail delivery, select Marquis Managed, otherwise select User Managed
Step 18 Click the Select Action Type drop-down arrow
18.1 Select Email, 3rd Party Export (for direct mail when User Managed), or CRM Log (only available to users of the Marquis CRM product)
Step 19 If Email was chosen above, enter a unique Version Code. If 3rd Party Export was chosen above, enter a unique Reference Id. If CRM Log was chosen, select the desired Log Type
Note: Version Codes and Reference Id’s are codes that link records on the trigger export file with the email or direct mail piece they are to receive.
Step 20 Choose whether to include the contact information of the default Branch Manager (box checked), or the assigned manager of the account, member/customer, or household (box unchecked)
Step 21 Optionally, create a campaign which will track new accounts generated from this trigger
21.1 Enter per unit cost (email or direct mail piece)
21.2 Enter the number of days the campaign should be tracked
21.3 CallTrax NEXT CRM users only: upload a proof of the email or direct mail piece. This allows frontline staff to view the mailing on the Customer Dashboard when corresponding with the member/customer
21.4 Click the Select Accounts to track drop-down arrow.
21.5 Begin typing the name of the Product Type, Account Type, or Service. Click the desired Product Type, Account Type, or Service when it appears
21.6 Repeat step 21.5 to add as many Product Types, Account Types, or Services to track as desired
Step 22 Click Done (IMPORTANT: This must be done before clicking Continue below)
Note: The campaign will inherit the same name as the Action and will display in Campaign Tracking under that name.
Step 23 If an email and a direct mail action are desired, repeat steps 15-22 to create additional actions
Step 24 Click Continue
Step 25 Review all details for the new trigger
Note: By default, the Trigger Status will be set to Test. This creates a test trigger file in which no actions will be taken. The test trigger file can be reviewed daily to ensure it generates the desired records. It will remain in test status until manually edited and switched to active status, at which point emails and/or direct mails will be generated by the trigger daily (assuming records meet trigger criteria each day).
Step 26 ONLY if desired, click the Trigger Status drop-down arrow and switch the status from Test to Active. Doing this will forego any testing of the trigger and beginning tomorrow emails and/or direct mails will be generated by the trigger daily (assuming records meet trigger criteria each day).
Step 27 Click Activate
Step 28 After sufficient review of the test files has been completed and it is time to activate the trigger, click Triggers in the main menu
Step 29 Hover the mouse over Automated Triggers
Step 30 Click Manage
Step 31 From the Automated Trigger List, click the desired trigger in Test mode
Step 32 From the drop-down menu, click Change Status
Note: Once a Trigger is live, it can only be stopped or deleted: it cannot be modified. If a modification is needed, it is necessary to copy the live one, modify the copy, and delete the live one which was copied. It is recommended to test the copy.
Step 33 Once ready to activate, click the Yes button
Note: Trigger files and test trigger files will be saved to the TriggerExport file directory on the NEXT server located at the same level as the API, Web, and Id folders. Automations can be pointed to this directory.
When in test, both Marquis Managed and User Managed will show up in the File Downloads section (Triggers>Automated Triggers>File Downloads), but once activated, Marquis Managed files will no longer show in the File Downloads section unless there is an issue with the FTP. If the FTP fails to pick up activated Marquis Managed files, they will display in the File Download section so they can be handled manually. Once the FTP begins to work again, it will pick up the file and it will be removed from the File Download section.
Article Reference: ETX101