Below is the process for maintaining, creating, or deleting institutions.
Step 1 Log into the CDP
The active Institution and File will display in the upper right-hand section to the left of the
name of the user logged in.
Step 2 Click Settings
Step 3 Click on Institutions
Step 4 To view the information on an institution and update it, click on the institution within the list
4.1 Click on Edit from the list of options
Note: When choosing Edit, you may make any changes as desired.
4.2 Confirm and update Primary Bank information:
- Tax ID
- Enable/Disable the Require HMDA Denial Reasons check box if the HMDA Agency Code is not OCC. (This setting will apply to 2017 or earlier files)
4.3 Confirm and update SB2155 Partial Exemptions selections:
- Closed-End Mortgages
- Open-End Lines of Credit
4.4 Confirm and update Respondent Institution information:
- Name
- Address
- City
- State
- Zip
4.5 Confirm and update Parent Institution information:
- Name
- Address
- City
- State
- Zip
4.6 Confirm and update CRA information:
- Respondent ID
- Agency Code
- Click the drop-down arrow to select an Agency Code from the list
- Contact – Name of the contact
- Phone
- Fax
4.7 Confirm and update HMDA information:
- Respondent ID
- Agency Code
- Click the drop-down arrow to select an Agency Code from the list
- Contact – Name of the contact
- Phone
- Fax
- Email - ideally, use a team inbox address if possible
Step 5 Click the Save button to save any changes
Step 6 To create a new institution, click the green Add New button
6.1 Type in the desired name for the institution
6.2 Enter all needed information (listed in Step 4)
6.3 Click Save
Step 7 To delete an institution, click on the institution within the list
7.1 Click on Delete from the list of options
7.2 Click Yes to the confirmation message
Article Reference CNX202