The following procedures will outline the steps for adding and managing any
Compensating Factor codes to be utilized within the system.
Step 1 Log into CenTrax NEXT
The active Institution and File will display in the upper right-hand section to the left of the
name of the user logged in.
Step 2 Click Settings
Step 3 Hover over Lookup Manager
Step 4 Click on Compensating Factor Codes
Step 5 To add a new Compensating Factor code, click the green Add New button on the upper
right-hand corner
5.1 Type in the Code
5.2 Type in the Name or description of the Compensating Factor Code
5.3 Click Save
Step 6 To Edit a Compensating Factor Code, click on the desired Compensating Factor code
6.1 Select Edit
6.2 Make the desired changes
6.3 Click Save
6.4 If the changes are not desired, click the X in the upper right-hand corner to Cancel the
Step 7 To Delete a Compensating Factor Code, click on the desired Compensating Factor code
7.1 Select Delete
7.2 Click Yes to the confirmation message
Article Reference CNX211