The following process outlines how to run the HMDA Filing Wizard in preparation for generating a HMDA LAR file.
Step 1 Log into the Compliance Data Platform.
The active Institution and File will display in the upper right-hand section to the left of the name of the user logged in.
Step 2 Click Filing.
Step 3 Click HMDA Filing Wizard.
Step 4 Verify information within the HMDA LAR Submission File section.
Note: If the information within the HMDA LAR Submission File section is incorrect, navigate to Settings/Institutions and edit the institution to make any necessary corrections.
4.1 To create a file in the public LAR format, place a check mark in the Public LAR box (optional)
Note: Public LAR format will display blanks for any sensitive data such as date fields, account number, addresses, etc.
Step 5 Apply Quarterly filing information, if applicable.
Note: Quarterly filing is a regulatory requirement for all files containing more than 60K entries, for files beginning in 2020. The Open/Action date of each record designates the Filing Quarter to which it belongs.
5.1 Click the radio button to select the desired Filing Format:
- Year to Date – will validate for the year to date, up through the current quarter selected
- Current Quarter – will validate for the current quarter selected from the Filing Quarter drop-down menu
Note: The Filing Quarter drop-down menu is used in conjunction with the selections for “Year to Date” or “Current Quarter”. When using Year to Date, the file created will contain records from the beginning of the year through the selected filing quarter. When using Current quarter, the file created will contain records only within the date range of the selected filing quarter.
Example #1: If Year to Date and 3rd quarter are selected, the file will contain records from 01/01/2020 through the end date of the 3rd quarter; which is 09/30/2020.
Example #2: If you have chosen the Current Quarter radio button; and the 3rd quarter as the Filing Quarter, the file will contain records from 06/01/2020 through 09/30/2020.
5.2 Click Filing Quarter drop-down menu.
5.3 Select the desired Filing Quarter.
Note: If you are creating an end of year file, choose the radio dial for Year to Date and choose 4th quarter for the Filing Quarter.
Step 6 Click Validate
6.1 Click the green Success box that pops up in the bottom right hand corner of the window.
Step 7 Click the Run Exception Report button to get detailed report of records and their exceptions.
Step 8 Click Show Error Report for list of records with edits.
8.1 Click a record within the list and click Edit Account button to edit record within Data Entry
Note: If a red circle displays within Denial Reasons Required, that setting has been disabled within Settings/CenTrax Settings.
Step 9 Click the Create LAR File button in the bottom right hand corner once it has been enabled.
Step 10 Select a destination and file name within the Windows file Explorer.
Step 11 Click Save
To view the latest HMDA Submission Filing webinar, click here.
Article Reference CNX502