If you want to remove populated geocode values from existing records, this can only be done through an import. Please note that you will either need to use an existing import file or a new import file containing a column for the Record Identifier (Account Number or ULI) values for the records.
Below are the steps to accomplish this.
- Log into the CDP/CenTrax NEXT - The active Institution and File will display in the upper right-hand section to the left of the name of the user logged in.
- Click Data Processing>DataPro.
- Click Import.
- Click on an existing import definition or click Add New to create a new one*.
- Choose the Yes radio button next to Include Zero Balance.
- For Match Records By, select the appropriate Record Identifier field for your import file.
- Choose the Yes radio button next to Update Existing Records.
- Place a checkmark next to the option for Geocode.
- Choose the radio button next to Clear geocode.
- Click Save.
- Click Define Fields.
- Map the Record Identifier column in the import file to either the Account Number or Loan ID (ULI/NULI) field or verify it is already mapped correctly. The Address and Geocode fields can be left unmapped.
- Click Save.
- Click Run Now.
- Once the import process completes you can click the notification that appears or Results to verify records were updated.
- You can also confirm success in Data Entry or Discovery>Research through filters for blank/missing geocode fields and bringing in columns for these fields via Add/Remove Columns (Data Entry) or to a Field Group (Discovery>Research).
*If you are editing an existing import definition, you may need to adjust the import definition settings to match what is outlined in steps 5-9. If you are creating a new import definition, follow the regular steps to setup a new one but follow the steps mentioned for the specific fields in 5-9.