The Field Group Manager allows you to create, edit, or delete Field Groups in the Compliance Data Platform. These groups can be selected, edited or created within Discovery/Research.
Step 1 Log into the CDP/CenTrax NEXT
The active Institution and File will display in the upper right-hand section to the left of the name of the user logged in.
Step 2 Click on Discovery
Step 3 Click Research
Note: In order to access any of the actions within Research, a filter must be in place. If all records are desired, simply click the Activate button within the Filter window without any filter condition boxes in place.
Step 4 The filter window should be extended. If it isn’t, click the Filter button to extend it
4.1 Click on the located in the bottom left hand side of the page to add a new filter condition box.
4.2 For a filter step-by-step guide, please refer to the CNX402 Research – Filtering.pdf document.
Step 5 Once the filter is in place, click Activate
5.1 The data will refresh based on the applied Filter, and the data fields displayed will be those within the selected Field Group
Step 6 To change the Field Group, click the Open button directly to the right of the Field Group box
6.1 Click on a Field Group within the list to select it
Note: Hovering over a list in the fields box will cause a pop-up window to display all of the fields available in that field group.
6.2 Once selected, the data fields will refresh to display the data for the newly selected Field Group
Step 7 To create or edit a Field Group, click the drop-down arrow next to the Open button
7.1 Click Field Group Manager
Step 8 To create a Field Group, click Add New
8.1 Type in a Name
8.2 Use the Search box directly under Fields to easily locate the desired fields to add
8.3 Within the Fields box, use the single Add > button to select the desired fields or simply double click on a field to select it
8.4 To remove a selected field, simply click the field within the box on the right and click the single Remove< button or double click the desired field
8.5 Use the up and down arrows to the right of the screen to re-order the selected fields
8.6 Click Save once all desired fields are in the right-hand box
8.7 To apply the newly created Field Group, click on the group name in the list
8.8 Click Open
Step 9 To Edit an existing Field Group, click on the Name of the desired Field Group
9.1 Click Edit
9.2 Make changes to the Name if desired
9.3 To remove a selected field, simply click the field within the box on the right and click the single Remove< button
9.4 Use the Search box directly under Fields to easily locate the desired fields to add
9.5 Within the Fields box, use the single Add > button to select the desired fields or simply double click on a field to select it
9.6 Use the up and down arrows to the right of the screen to re-order the selected fields
9.7 Click Save once all desired fields are in the right-hand box
Step 10 To Delete an existing Field Group, click on the Name of the desired Field Group
10.1 Click Delete
10.2 Click Yes in the confirmation message
Step 11 To select an existing Field Group, click on the Name of the desired Field Group
11.1 Click Open
Article Reference CNX403