The following procedures will outline the steps for adding and managing any Branch information to be
utilized in Exam Charts, maps and other analysis tools.
Step 1 Log into CenTrax NEXT
The active Institution and File will display in the upper right-hand section to the left of the name of the user logged in.
Step 2 Click Settings
Step 3 Hover over Organization
Step 4 Click on Branches from the list of sub-categories
Step 5 To add a new branch location, click the green Add New button on the upper right-hand corner
5.1 Complete the Details section at the top of the page
- Branch Code
- Branch Name
- Branch Identifier
- Line of Business
- Branch Type
- Region
- Open Date
- Closed date
- Deposit Balance
Note: The Open and Closed date will affect how the branch will be reported when running Exam Table 15:
Branch Locations. Ensure the geocode, and date fields are accurate before running that report.
5.2 Complete the Address section on the bottom left of the page
- Address – needed for determining geocode
- City – needed for determining geocode
- State – needed for determining geocode
- Zip – needed for determining geocode
If allowing the CDP/CenTrax NEXT to determine the Geocode/Demographics from the address, move to
step 5.4. If typing in the geocode information, continue to Step 5.3.
5.3 Complete the Geocode/Demographics section of the page
- State
- County
- Tract
5.4 Click the Save button
Note: After clicking Save, the system will calculate the Tract Income Level and Tract Minority level based on the geocode.
Step 6 To edit or manage a location, click on the name of the desired location within the list
6.1 Click Edit
6.2 Make any necessary changes
6.3 If the changes are not desired, click the X in the upper right-hand corner to Cancel the changes
6.4 Click Save to retain the changes
Step 7 To delete a location, click on the name of the desired location within the list
7.1 Click Delete
7.2 Click Yes to the confirmation message
Additional Tools
Import from FDIC - use this option to automatically import a designated FDIC institution's branch list. Institutions can be located by using the search field, or clicking the desired institution from the drop-down list. Click import to add all branch listings for that institution.
Geocode All Locations - use this option to automatically geocode your branch listings. Once the processor finishes, a status update will appear in the lower right-hand corner of your screen, notifying you of how many branches were successfully geocoded and how many were unmatched. Refresh your branch listings page to see the updated results.
Article Reference CNX217