To upload a CSV file of email recipients, follow these steps:
Note: Before completing these steps, merge fields must be set up. Refer to the procedure Setting Up Merge Fields for this process.
Step 1 Log into the Digital Communication platform
Step 2 Select the Product Suite product and the Emails module
Step 3 Click the desired email
Step 4 Select Upload Data File
Step 5 Drag and Drop the file into the box or click Select Files to browse and select the desired file
Note: The data file must be in a CSV format with the header row located within the first row. The header row cannot contain spaces, numbers, or special characters.
Step 6 To include duplicates, select the check box, if desired
Note: At the completion of the data file being uploaded, the record information will appear under the header of the Map Merge Fields page.
Step 7 Complete the Map Merge Fields page
Note: Mapping is the process of aligning the merge fields created within DocuMatix to the header fields contained in the CSV file.
7.1 Using the drop-down arrow, select the Email Address from the list
7.2 Use the drop-down arrow to select the appropriate field for each required merge field
7.3 Use the drop-down arrow to select the desired Action if blank:
- Use default value: The default value entered will be used in place of a custom value
- Reject record: The email will not be sent to that recipient
- Remove merge field from the email: The merge field will be removed from the email
7.4 If “Use Default Value” action is selected, enter the desired text into the Default value field
7.5 Select the optional fields, if desired
Note: The Merge fields containing “Custom Field” in the name are optional data fields that can be populated for reporting capabilities but will not be placed in the email.
7.6 Select the launch date if one is present in the file
Note: When selecting a launch date field, if a record contains a blank in the Launch Date field, the email will not be sent out.
7.7 Click Continue
Note: If the data file contains Invalid and/or Corrupt Records, they will be automatically removed, and the file will be uploaded. Clicking the underlined number to the right of Corrupt Records will open an Excel file which provides reasons the records were classified as corrupt. Invalid Records indicate there is missing data and Corrupt Records indicate that an email address is not in the correct format.
Step 8 To continue, click Next
Step 9 Click Schedule Launch. For more information, please refer to procedure Scheduling an Email Launch.
Article Reference: DMX374