To automate a Marketing Path, follow these steps:
Note: Before completing these steps, the emails and the Marketing Path must be built. Refer to the procedure Creating a Marketing Path for this process.
Step 1 Log into the Digital Communication platform
Step 2 Use the product drop-down and select On Demand
Step 3 Use the module drop-down arrow and select Actions
Step 4 Click Begin to add a new action
Step 5 Type in an Action Name
Step 6 Type in a Description (optional)
Step 7 Select a Type
Step 8 Click the drop-down arrow for Marketing Path
8.1 Click on the desired path from within the list
Step 9 Click the drop-down arrow for Time to Launch
9.1 Select the desired days or leave it defaulted to Immediately
Step 10 Click Save
To automate the Action, you’ll need to continue with the DocuMatix on Demand (DOD) Configuration Tool. Please reference the article titled DocuMatix On Demand Configuration Tool (DMX350) for a step-by-step guide of the process.
Step 11 To edit an Action, click the Options icon on the desired action card
11.1 Click Edit
11.2 Make the desired changes to the Name, Description or Type
11.3 Click Update to save changes
Step 12 To delete an Action, click the Options icon on the desired action card
12.1 Click Delete
12.2 Type DELETE into the confirmation box
12.3 Click Yes
Article Reference: DMX346