To create a new PURL, follow these steps:
Step 1 Log into the Digital Communication platform
Step 2 Use the product drop-down arrow to select Product Suite
Step 3 Use the module drop-down arrow to select PURLs
Step 4 Click Begin to add a new PURL
Step 5 Complete the selections for the Details tab:
Note: Anything in italics is an optional field as noted below. Some of the fields will auto populate from Account Settings.
5.1 Enter a Name for the PURL
5.2 Enter a Description, if desired
5.3 Use the drop-down arrow to place the PURL into a folder, if desired
5.4 Enter the Sub-domain
5.5 Use the checkbox to enable the default DocuMatix domain, if desired
5.6 Enter the PURL campaign name
5.7 The PURL example will display based on the Sub-domain and campaign name
5.8 Enter an email address into the Expire notification email box
5.9 Click in the Expire date box and select a date within the calendar pop-up
5.10 Click the radio dial next to the desired action for the Expiration message
5.11 Enter the Redirect URL or Expire message based on the Expiration Message selection
Step 6 Click Continue
Step 7 Complete the Merge Fields tab:
7.1 Enter a field name into an available Merge field, if desired
7.2 Repeat for each merge field that will be populated in the PURL
Step 8 Click Continue
Step 10 Enter a message in the Landing Page text box
Step 11 Use the checkbox to enable Include security validation functionality, if desired
11.1 If selected, additional security options will display:
- Use the drop-down to select a Password type: Alphanumeric or Alpha Only
- Use the drop-down to select the Password length
- Edit the Opt-in text, if desired
- Enter a Confirmation HTML, if desired
The Confirmation HTML can be left blank, if desired.
Step 12 Click Continue
Step 13 Add Sub-Pages, if desired on the Sub-Pages tab
13.1 Click Add New
13.2 Enter a Sub-page name
13.3 Enter a Description, if desired
13.4 Enter the Sub-page HTML into the text box
13.5 Click Create to complete the sub-page
13.6 Repeat for each Sub-page as needed
Step 14 Once all tabs have the appropriate selections, click Finish PURL
Step 15 To publish the PURL, click the desired PURL within the list
15.1 Click Publish
Step 16 Drag and drop the CSV data file into the box OR click the box to browse out and select the file
Step 17 Click Next
Step 18 Complete the Publish PURL pop-up:
18.1 Use the drop-down arrow to select the PURL ID field in the CSV file
18.2 Use the drop-down arrow to select the Email Address in the CSV file
18.3 Use the drop-down arrow to select any Custom Fields in the CSV file, if desired
18.4 Use the drop-down arrow to select any fields for Merge Fields in the CSV file
18.5 Enter an email address for the Notification Email Address field
Step 19 Click Next
A Summary page will appear with the Imported records, Duplicate record totals and Corrupt records.
Step 20 Click Close to get back to the PURLs dashboard
Article Reference: DMX340