Users is where all logins or users are created that will be accessing the platform, even if it is just to access
the Dashboard page.
Step 1 Log into CDP/CenTrax NEXT
The active Institution and File will display in the upper right-hand section to the left of the
name of the user logged in.
Step 2 Click Administration
Step 3 Hover over Permissions
Step 4 Click the Users sub-category
Step 5 To add a new user, click the green Add New button
5.1 Fill in the information within the User Detail window
- Email Address
- Username
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone Number (optional)
- Password
o Must be at least 6 characters long
o Must contain at least 1 upper case letter, special character, and number
- Confirm password
- Require Password Reset (optional)
- Default Product
Note: The “Default Product” option will only appear if the platform being accessed has a license for more
than one product.
5.2 Fill in the information within the Compliance Data Platform tab on the left-hand side.
- Within the Roles tab, select the desired Role(s) for the user. More than one role can be selected for the user. Note that Roles were created separately within the CDP, under Administration/Permissions/Users/
- Within the Institutions tab, select the desired Active Institution(s) for the user. More than one institution can be selected for the user.
- Files tab - Provides the ability to assign or remove files for the selected user. This ability is only enabled when the checkbox for "Restrict User File Visibility" has been selected within Settings/Institutions/Edit Institution.
Note: This will only be necessary if there is more than one institution within the system.
5.3 Click Save once all selections are made
Step 7 To Edit a user, click on the user within the list
7.1 Click Edit
7.2 Make the desired changes
7.3 Click Save
Step 8 To Delete a user, click on the user within the list
8.1 Click Delete
8.2 Click Yes to the confirmation message
Step 9 To change a password, click on a user within the list
9.1 Click Edit
9.2 Click the Reset Password button
9.3 Type a New password
9.4 Type to Confirm new password
9.5 Click Save in the password window
Step 10 Click Save in the user window
Step 11 To alter the password requirements, return to Administration/Permissions/Users, and click the Password Settings button in the top right-hand side of the page.
11.1 Update or enable the desired requirements:
- Minimum Length
- Require Uppercase Character
- Require Lowercase Character
- Require Special Character
- Require Number
- Must Not Match Past (insert desired number of) Passwords Used
- Force password change every (insert desired number of) days
11.2 Click Save
Note: The Synchronize button in the top right-hand side of the Administration/Permissions/Users page is typically used for ensuring communication between the different pieces of the program. It should only
be clicked if Marquis Support recommends doing so.
Article Reference CNX303