The Exam Tables are a set of reports which are commonly used by institutions to become “Exam Ready”. The tables can be processed for CRA and/or HMDA data. At least one Assessment Area must be selected when running the Exam Table reports.
Step 1 Log into the CDP/CenTrax NEXT
The active Institution and File will display in the upper right-hand section to the left of the name of the user logged in.
Step 2 Click on Discovery
Step 3 Hover over Reporting, hover over CRA, and click Exam Tables
Note: To run the Exam tables, the date range as well as the geographic area must be chosen to isolate what data will be reported. Any field with an asterisk is required.
Step 4 Designate the date range of the data to be used
4.1 Click within the Start box to bring up a calendar to select a date OR simply type in the desired Start date
4.2 Click within the End box to bring up a calendar to select a date OR simply type in the desired End date
Note: The date range will be applied to the Action date on the records and all records must have a valid geocode in order to display on the report, including those that are outside of the selected Assessment Area(s). The date range can span multiple years if the file being used has multiple years' worth of data OR more than one CenTrax file has been selected for comparison.
Step 5 Enable to Report by Year (optional)
5.1 The Report by Year option will split out results per year if the date range spans multiple years. If it is not enabled, it will group the results together for the date range that is set.
Step 6 Make the File selection:
6.1 Current: This will be the currently selected or active file
6.2 Other: Allows another CenTrax file or CenTrax files to be selected for running the reports on
o Click the Files button to select from the list of CenTrax NEXT files available.
o Click Save once the selection(s) have been made.
Step 7 Within the Assessment Areas box, place a check mark next to the desired area(s)
7.1 To select all available Assessment Areas at once, click the Select All button
Step 8 To add a filter, click the Filter button located on the left of the page.
8.1 Click the + symbol to add a New Filter box or click the Fast Filter icons for quicker filter building
8.2 Click Activate to apply the filter which will also slide the filter window out of the way
Note: For assistance building filters, please refer to the CNX402 Research – Filtering.pdf step-by-step procedures.
Step 9 To select a Peer Group as the Target Institution for comparing to all other institutions within the selected area(s), click the drop-down arrow next to Target Institution (optional)
9.1 Click on the desired Peer Group from the list to select it
Step 10 To select a specific Peer Group as the Target Market for comparison against the Target Institution, click the drop-down arrow next to Target Market (optional)
10.1 Click on the desired Institution Group from the list to select it
Step 11 Place a check mark in the box next to each of the desired reports within the Report Table box
11.1 To select all Exam Tables to run, click the Select All button
Step 12 Click the Process button to generate the report(s)
Step 13 To print the report, click the PDF Export option located in the upper right hand corner of the report window.
13.1 Select a location to place the report into
13.2 Type in a name for the report
13.3 Click Save
An electronic copy of the report will be created in that designated location
Article Reference CNX406