The Update Derived Fields gives the ability to update and run calculations after records have been imported, if needed, to make corrections and fill in missing details or information.
Step 1 Log into the CDP
The active Institution and File will display in the upper right-hand section to the left of the name of the user logged in.
Step 2 Click Data Processing
Step 3 Click Update Derived Fields
A list of processes that can be selected to run and make modifications is available. Below is a list of those items, what they do, and how to make the appropriate selections.
Step 4 Place a check mark in the desired process to select it:
4.1 Account Type: Assigns the deposit/loan, fixed/variable rate, product, CRA Type, HMDA Type, and data system ID based on the account type setup with Settings/Products/Account Types.
4.2 CRA Qualified Validation: Checks the CRA qualified code on each record against the collateral code and purpose code setting in the lookup table setup.
- Flag collateral mismatch
- Click the drop-down arrow to select a User Defined Field to use
- Type a value or character string into the box to the right of the selected User Defined Field.
- Flag purpose mismatch
- Click the drop-down arrow to select a User Defined Field to use
- Type a value or character string into the box to the right of the selected User Defined Field
4.3 CRA/HMDA Qualified: Assigns the CRA/HMDA qualified codes based on the call code setup
4.4 HMDA Rate Spread: Calculates the HMDA rate spread on the following records:
- All records excluding permanent
- Only records with no spread source
4.5 Denial Reasons: Assigns HMDA denial reasons based on the User Defined denial reasons
4.6 Line of Business: Assigns line of business codes based on the branch or officer table setup
- Branch
- Officer
4.7 Region: Assigns the region codes based on the branch table setup.
4.8 Demographics: Assigns the census tract income level, minority percentage level, and the HMDA and CRA income level of the applicant based on the geocode.
4.9 MSA Validation: Corrects missing or invalid MSA/MD codes based on the state, county and census tract.
4.10 Generate Universal Loan Identifier: Populates the ULI required for HMDA records beginning in 2018. Select one of the following to determine what records are to be updated
- All HMDA Qualified Records
- Only HMDA Qualified Records with no existing ULI
4.11 Convert 2018 HMDA codes to 2017 equivalents (2017 files only): Assigns the proper 2017 codes based on 2018 values for purpose, occupancy, ethnicity, race, purchaser, denial reason and property type (2 only)
4.12 Mark Applicant Records as Include in 1071: Select the checkbox to mark the record as “Include in 1071” within the applicants tab in Data Entry.
4.13 Mark Applicant Records as “Include in HMDA”: Select the checkbox to mark the record as “Include in HMDA” within the applicants tab in Data Entry.
4.14 Update Fields to “Exempt” on all qualifying records: Select the checkbox to update all the necessary fields to “Exempt” on any applicable records. This removes the need to run multiple replacements or manually update individual records within Data Entry.
Step 5 Click the green Process button to run the selected updates
When the process has completed, a message will display in the bottom corner of the page alerting to the success.
Article Reference CNX608