The BISG Proxy tool allows for the proxy race and ethnicity to be determined for records based on the name and geography on the record. It is designed to be used on records where that information is not gathered but are used in a Fair Lending analysis or exam.
Step 1 Log into the CDP
The active Institution and File will display in the upper right-hand section to the left of the name of the user logged in.
Step 2 Click Data Processing
Step 3 Click BISG Proxy
Step 4 Select the desired Processing Option
- All Records
- Records Without Proxy Data
Note: The BISG Proxy utility will write to the system Proxy fields and NOT the HMDA race, gender and ethnicity fields.
Step 5 Type in the desired value in the Confidence Threshold box
5.1 The default value of Confidence Threshold is 80%, but this can be modified to find more matches on the data if desired.
Note: The Confidence Threshold is the percentage of the specific proxy field to look for a match. For example if a record falls into a tract where the Hispanic population is 70% or higher, the record will be given a proxy of Hispanic if the name cannot be used to determine the ethnicity.
Step 6 Click Process to have the system identify matches and assign the proxy codes
Step 7 Once the BISG tool has finished processing, click the Export Data to see the results (optional)
Note: The value displayed for Processed increases for each applicant on the record.
Article Reference CNX609