Red is out. Purple is in! Marquis has gone through a rebranding campaign and this release features some of those branding changes including ExecuTrax Next being renamed to Marketing Data Platform (MDP).
Triggers – Automated Triggers – Create and Manage – Actions – CRM Log
CRM logs can now be created as part of a Trigger! Create automated CRM logs on important Customer events such as a new Customer, new Account, Birthday, Balance changes, etc.
- Wish you could create Trigger CRM logs but don’t have our CRM? Contact us!
Setup Adjustments: MDP users that have access to Triggers will have access to setup Triggers with CRM Log Actions.
Triggers – Automated Triggers – Manage – Settings
Limits can now be set on Triggers on a Daily, Weekly and/or Monthly basis.
Setup Adjustments: MDP users that have access to Triggers will have access to setup Trigger Limits.
Triggers – Automated Triggers – File Downloads
Trigger files can now be deleted on a one-by-one basis with the added Delete option when clicking on a Trigger file.
Setup Adjustments: MDP Administrator will have the new Delete option by default. Any other users that need it can have it added under Administration – Permissions – Roles. Keep in mind that when a file is deleted from the File Downloads page, it is deleted off the server as well.
Discovery – Research – Filtering
Added the ability to filter on Household and Customer (Member) Note fields.
Setup Adjustments: No setup required. Automatically added when the release is installed.
Discovery – Research – Filters – Include Status
Tired of adding in statuses when creating a filter? Now with the new Include Status feature, adding statuses are just a click away. And once you have your status set, it will remain until you change it again.
Setup Adjustments: No Setup needed. All users that have access to Discovery – Research – Filters will see the Include Status.
Administration – Settings – Single-on Settings
Enable and manage using a single sign on for the Marquis Next platform through this new page.
Setup Adjustments: If you previously had a single sign on, we recommend verifying the settings after taking the release through this new page. Only Administrations will have access and being able to edit these settings.
- Triggers – Automated Triggers will now be turned on by default with this release. MDP Administrators will need to add the permission to any other users that need access by going to Administration – Permissions – Roles.
- Discovery – Research will now use the Individual label instead of saying ‘Individual’.
- Discovery – Research – Field Groups – Household Default will now use Household Periods – City and State Code instead of Accounts.
- Discovery – Research – Field Groups – Accounts Default will now use Accounts – Name 1 instead of Households – Name.
- Discovery – Research – Field Groups – Customers (Members) Default will now use Customer (Member) Periods – City and State Code instead of Accounts.
- Discovery – Research – Output – Print no longer includes the Marquis logo at the top.
- Administration – Settings – ExecuTrax Connections – Database has been renamed to Daily Database and is now a dropdown to select from under Connection Strings.
- Have Officers that are no longer with your organization that you would like to delete but don’t because of the existing data that would need to clean up as well? Contact our Marquis Support team at msupport@gomarquis.zendesk.com. They can help you through a new clean up routine that can take care of Officers and clean up the data in both ExecuTrax and Marketing Data Platform all at once. Also applies to CRM. We can help you take back control of your Officers!
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug under Discovery – Reporting – Reports - Product Distribution of New and Lost Accounts report for the Attrition Rate calculation that was incorrect due to Branch filtering.
- Fixed a bug where SMTP Settings were being reverted during the installation of the release.
Version Check
Ever wonder what version you are on? Simply click on the SUPPORT link at the top right of Marketing Data Platform. If it doesn’t match the screenshot below, contact systemupgrade@gomarquis.com to schedule your upgrade.