New Dashboard Elements
Want your branch managers to easily see what Incentives their employees are making this month? We have added two new elements For Incentives that will allow just that. Add them to a new or existing dashboard and immediately start seeing Incentives based on the Logged in User's Branch.
Setup Adjustments: For any users that have Edit and/or Create permissions For Dashboards, they will see Incentive Summary by Branch and Officer (MTD) and Incentive Detail by Branch and Officer (MTD) in the Dashboard Elements list when clicking on Dashboard.
Simply click the plus sign(+) next to the element to add it to a new or existing Dashboard.
Customer/Member Dashboard - Search by Address
Address has been added as a field to search by when clicking on the Search button under the Customer/Member Dashboard.
Setup Adjustments: No setup needed. Automatically is added when the release is installed.
Customer/Member Dashboard - Mouseover on Work List section
Now you can see more about the logs in your Work List by simply mousing over the log. It shows the type of log, the status of the log and the date of that status.
Customer/Member Dashboard - Qualified Referral update
Have users that should be able to Qualify a Referral but can't because they aren't associated with the Referral or don't have CallTrax Administrator rights? We have added a new permission just For you!
Setup Adjustments: Under Administration - Permissions - Roles, click on the role you want to give users this new permission and click the checkbox For Activity Logs - Type - Referral
- Qualified. Keep in mind this means users with this permission can check and uncheck the Qualified For any done Referral moving Forward.
Discovery - Research - New Filter Fields
Several new Fields were added to Discovery - Research For Filtering.
Activity Logs - Comments
Looks through the Comments added within logs based on a word or phrase. IF you want to grab all Referrals that were automatically handled by CallTrax. Filter on Comments - Contains - 'Auto Handled Referral'. Recommend using the Activity Log Reporter under Output to see all the logs and comments based on a filter.
Account/Customer or Member/Household Triggers - Trigger Name
All ExecuTrax created triggers will be under Household Triggers. ExecuTrax Next created triggers will be under what Trigger Level was selected when you created the Trigger.
Customer or Member/Household Campaigns - Campaign Name
Includes all ExecuTrax created Campaigns based on what level you created the Campaign. ExecuTrax Next Triggers with the Campaign Tracking enabled on Action, will have the Action names listed as the Campaign name.
Customer or Member/Household Campaigns - Campaign Start Date
Pick the level corresponding to the level the Campaign was created. If a Campaign Name is also included in the filter, the results will be based on the Campaign's Start Date.
Discovery - Research - New Output
CSV is now available as an output option when using Discovery - Research
- Fixed a bug where the ExecuTrax Officer name was not updating in Next when it is updated in ExecuTrax.
- Fixed a bug where filtering on Date fields and using Operators 'is on day', 'is in month', and 'is in year' allowed values outside of the normal calendar values.